Van Gogh Dot cards to download
So that you can always keep an eye on your Van Gogh colours in the future, we have thought of something for you. On this page you can download a colour card to match your pocket box. Dot cards, or colour cards are overview cards on which you can paint the colours from your watercolour box. With the colour card you always have an overview of the colours of your box and their effect on paper. Once cut out, our templates are the perfect size to keep in your pocket box. The colours are arranged on the map as in the pocket box itself, so that you have a perfect overview.
Colour cards to match your Van Gogh pocket box
You can download the colour chart for your Van Gogh Pocketbox at the bottom of the page. The Dot cards are available for the "Classic", "Vibrant Colours", "Muted Colours", "Shades of Nature", "Pink & Violets" and the "Floral" Pocket Box.
Make dot cards with your home printer, e.g. with the Ecoline Print Paper
Print the matching Van Gogh Dot card easily on your home printer. If your printer can print paper with high grammages (please check in the operating instructions first), we recommend printing the Dot card directly on the Van Gogh watercolour paper. If necessary, cut your watercolour paper to a compatible size (e.g. Din A4) or create a new size in the print options. Ecoline Print Paper, which was specially developed for printers, is also very well suited for the production of dot cards. The watercolour paints work best on these stronger papers. To ensure that the Dot card fits into your pocket box after being cut out, you should print it out in its original size.
Tips for creating the Van Gogh dot cards
Cut out the dot card along the given line and paint each colour in the box provided. Try creating a gradient for each colour so you can see how the colour behaves. From now on you can keep the dot card in your pocket box and let yourself be inspired by the colour examples for new works